Shake Weight For Men

October 14, 2009

“Like 30-45 seconds, and I was already covered in sweat and completely pumped.”

“You’re breathing and your arms pumping.  It’s awesome.”

“I haven’t had a pump like this in a long time.”

Fitness Blog Entry #2

June 8, 2009

Has anyone else heard of The Warrior Diet?  It was created by fitness expert Ori Hofmekler, and the central premise is that everyone should only eat one large meal before they go to sleep and refrain from eating the rest of the day.  Crazy, I know, and having read the book I was left somewhat unconvinced.  Ori’s reasoning is, quite frankly, not very good, but he’s in awesome shape and I know several people who have gone on the Warrior Diet and had fantastic results.  So heck, why not try it out… at least for a little while.

So after going through the whole day hungry, which wasn’t as hard as I’d imagined, I hit the shopping market and bought a bag of spinach, a jar of light ranch, some Jennie-O turkey, tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, and a plethora of other tasty veggies and fruits and ended up dicing and mixing them all in a giant bowl to create some freakish kind of salad cornucopia.  It was pretty good, and refreshingly healthy and I woke up feeling alright.

So yeah, first day so far so good.  I don’t know if it’s an improvment over the typical “three square meal” formula, but I haven’t suffered any adverse effects yet.

As for exercise I did 30 total minutes of intense jump-roping.  It’s a great form of exercise that works the entire body, and my shoulders were burning by the end.  I followed that up with 30 minutes of static running and hit the showers.

I’m actually surprised how relatively easy my workouts have been.  I’m obviously not in as terrible shape as I look.  It’s time to take it up a notch.  It needs to hurt a little more.


Oliver J. Cromwell

EDIT:  Here’s an absolutely hilarious interview with Ori Hofmekler.

My favorite quote from the article:

“Then you’re going to fuck anyone who is moving on the streets with a nice ass. You say anything that you have on your mind. And you beat the shit out of people who piss you off.”

Like I said, the guy comes off as kind of a cockhead, but ultimately what’s most important is if his fitness ideas work.

So here’s what I ate for today.

4:00 PM:  Chicken club sandwich on sourdough bread w/ baked Lays and a bottle of lemonade.  How much is that in calories?

8:00 PM:  Shrimp salad w/ G2 Gatorade.  Healthier then what I had above, but only marginally so.

I skipped breakfast today because I just wasn’t very hungry.

And here’s what I did for exercise:

Jogged on treadmill at 5.0 mph for 30 minutes.

Yup, that’s it for today, and it was surprisingly easy considering I haven’t done much physically for the past few months.  I’m definitely going to be ramping up my workout tomorrow.  The plan is to increase the speed on the treadmill and implent jump-roping and an ab routine.  I’ll keep building on that.

What I learned:

1) I need to find a way to track my calories better.

2) Lemonade just isn’t healthy.  At least the kind that comes in bottles.  Tons of sugar.

3) I should expect more from my body.  My workout wasn’t that hard, but I’m giving a pass just for today.  Tomorrow will be much more difficult.

Getting Fit: Day One

June 6, 2009

I’m overweight.  I need to lose fat.  I will record my journey in this here journal.

I’m something of a yo-yo dieter.  I lose weight then I gain weight then I lose weight and then I get it all back again.  I wouldn’t qualify myself as morbidly obese, and I’m naturally somewhat of a husky guy, but I definitely need to shed about 20 lbs. maybe more.

Anyways, here’s where I’m starting out.

Weight (measured in the morning before breakfast): 233 lbs.

Target weight: Hell if I know.  200 lbs?

The body I have right now:


The body I want:


I will use this blog to record exactly what I eat, when I eat, when I exercise, and exactly what I’m doing for exercise.

Wish me luck… or don’t.  I don’t know, it’s all up to you.